Wild Goose Chase uses a variety of bird control exclusion and deterrent solutions to effectively deter pest birds from farms and agricultural properties. The methods we use are site specific and we base our recommendations on a variety of observations and facts, including but not limited to geographic location, food sources, and building structures.
Avian Block
Avian Block™ is an EPA registered, aromatic bird repellent that uses passive scent technology to disperse Methyl Anthranilate (MA) into the air to effectively repel birds from outdoor and semi-enclosed areas. MA is a naturally occurring, non-hazardous, food-grade ingredient that is widely used in various industries to give products grape scent and flavor. Methyl Anthranilate, along with other propriety ingredients act as an irritant specifically creating temporary discomfort to bird species causing them to leave the area of installation. Avian Block™ is cost-effective, safe for birds, people, and pets, and will repel birds for up to 3 months depending on weather conditions. This product is suitable for residential, commercial, and agricultural applications.
The AVIX Mark II is a fully automated bird repelling system, providing continuous bird deterrence with the use of a specialized laser keeping birds away 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Learn more >
Handheld Lasers
Specially designed lasers are used at pre-dawn or dusk to invoke a fright response. When properly used they provide a safe and humane method for scaring nuisance birds from a property without causing any harm to the animal or the environment. CAUTION: This bird control technique requires special training and certification in several areas due the potential harm to vehicle, human and air traffic! All Wild Goose Chase handlers have been properly trained in the use of this device. Learn more >
Custom Metal Exclusions
Custom metal exclusions are used on ledges, edges, almost anywhere there is a flat, narrow ledge for birds to perch on. It is an effective deterrent where there is heavy pressure from nesting. This is a good application where other products like netting may be visually unacceptable. Custom metal exclusions completely protect the ledge against all bird species because birds cannot get a grip and slide right off the ledge. The product comes in gray or beige, but can be painted to match any color.
Bird Netting
Netting is the strongest and most versatile bird exclusion system in the world. This system denies pest bird’s access to any architectural configuration, including courtyards, roof tops, overhangs, parking garages, etc. One of the most important aspects of using bird netting successfully is to find every opening where birds are entering and leaving the structure. The netting needs to enclose or block off each avenue used for access by the birds. It is also important that the bird netting be kept from surroundings that could damage it. Learn more >
Bird Spikes
The term “bird spikes” sounds harsh and harmful but this is a humane and highly effective bird deterrent. The product is made of pre-formed spike strips that have wires attached to a base which can be glued or screwed in place. The strips are designed so that they do not collect debris and are virtually invisible from normal viewing distances. They can be installed on nearly any architectural configuration. Birds that normally roost, land or nest on the area where the bird spikes are installed will not be harmed, because as birds approach the area they see there is no solid place to land and do not actually come in contact with the spike.
Bird Wire
Birdwire is a spring-tensioned wire system designed to create an unstable landing area that is widely used throughout the U.S. because it is very low-profile. This is an excellent and effective solution for bird control when it is critical not to detract from the visual appearance of a building or structure. Bird wire is especially designed for larger birds like seagulls, pigeons and crows when they are not present in large numbers. The posts and spring-tension bird wire is permanently installed and is very effective if correctly implemented for the proper application. It also carries GSA approval for historic buildings.
Custom Metal Work & Carpentry
We have an in-house machine shop and union carpenter on staff that has the ability to build custom structural deterrents for areas such as planter boxes, rooftops and other places where Canada geese like to loaf or nest.
When nuisance birds perch, loaf or nest on buildings, billboards and bridges, their presence can be more than just an eyesore; their waste poses threats to both structures and human health. Common deterrents like steel spikes, chemical repellants and netting can be effective, but usually only in the short term. Moreover, quick fixes are often unsightly and sometimes inhumane and ecologically unfriendly. Symterra is a humane, environmentally safe and permanent bird deterrent solution. The intelligently designed product uses electromagnetic signals to disrupt birds’ internal navigation systems and prevent them from landing on protected structures. Learn more >
Grid System
Grid Systems are an effective bird deterrent used to protect flat rooftops and large open spaces from gulls and other soaring birds. By suspending a series of lines above the surface area in the form of a grid, an uncomfortable landing zone for soaring birds is created, which teaches them to find new areas to roost and nest. Grids sections are custom designed based on the type of desired species to control and roof area.
Our team completed a grid system over a school courtyard to keep out nesting ducks whose ducklings would become trapped in the enclosure and die without a difficult rescue. Check out how the grid system transformed the courtyard in the images below!

Opti-Gel discs contain an innovative gel that uses a combination of sight, sense and smell that repels birds, keeping them away from the openings and cavities near installation. Optical discs are effective for up to 2-4 years depending on weather conditions and environment.
Shock Track
Used as a deterrent method to prevent perching and loafing on ledges and other surfaces. This system produces a harmless but noticeable electric pulse that deters nuisance birds from those areas. All surfaces are cleaned and prepped prior to installation. Electric track is adhered using a specific glue bond.
Spider Wires
Thin, stainless steel rods rotate in the breeze and wave menacingly, interfering with birds as they attempt to land deterring gulls, pigeons, and other large birds, from landing in open spaces such as flat roofs or air conditioning units, as well as on street lights and other hard-to-protect areas. It is inconspicuous from short distances and practically invisible from 50 feet or more. Its unobtrusive design allows for use in even high visibility areas like shopping/walking promenades and parking lots.
Trapping program will specifically target the existing population that is utilizing any and all ledges for roosting and perching. The program will consist of placing the traps based on activity patterns of the pigeons and weather, baiting and setting the traps, and moving the trapped birds off site permanently.
Vent Guards
Vent guards stop persistent pest birds from living in drain pipes, exhaust vents, and other open areas that can be covered with a custom sized vent guard.
Wire Mesh
Stainless steel or galvanized wire mesh is ideal for keeping out nuisance birds, the welded wire mesh can be cut to fit, molded into shapes and installed over, under or around all types of objects, gaps, openings and more.
100% non-toxic, environmentally safe blend of coarse stainless steel and poly fibers form a highly resilient and impenetrable barrier against nuisance birds. Used in nesting cavities on building structures.