Goose Egg Addling & Depredation Service for Farms
Our goose nest management service, also called goose egg addling or depredation, addresses two types of problems you may have with nesting geese. The first is preventing the birds from increasing in numbers through reproduction. This is accomplished through the use of egg depredation. The second problem we address is reducing the health and human safety risks caused by aggressive geese. During nesting season, both male and female geese become territorial of their nesting area. If the geese feel threatened they can act aggressively towards humans, including attacking and causing serious harm.

Nest Management & Egg Addling
Nest management is called egg addling or egg depredation, which is a means of stopping the birds from having a successful nesting season. Egg addling is a process that stops eggs from developing or hatching and can be done by oiling, shaking, puncturing, or removing the eggs. Oiling is our preferred method as it is the most humane and is accomplished by coating the egg(s) with a food grade corn oil. This keeps air from passing through the eggshell which stops the development process.
Egg addling can only be performed by state-licensed handlers, like Migratory Bird Management.
Egg addling services include using trained and licensed handlers, locating nest(s), and removal/disposal of eggs with each site visit. In addition, we will do follow-up and report filing with the appropriate state agencies.
Do I Need a Permit for Goose Egg Addling?
Depending on the state where you are located, there are different rules and regulations regarding egg addling services.
In Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) requires all Wisconsin properties to secure a WDNR issued permit. Migratory Bird Management can help you secure your permit and provide the services.
Note: If your property is outside of Wisconsin, we recommend that you contact your State’s Department of Natural Resources for more information.